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I Touched The Grass

Just when I thought the summer had gotten away from me... August happened. And what a month it's been.

After literal years of deliberating, I've finally decided to delete (most) social media. My Instagram and Twitter accounts, along with a few others, are gone. Not deactivated, but deleted. I go into depth about why in an upcoming blog post, but you can probably imagine. It's an urge it seems like a lot of you are fighting these days, too. Well, I stopped fighting it. And I feel free.

With the time I used to give to social media, I went outside and touched some grass. A lot of fucking grass. Here's how it went...

For starters, I was graciously invited to showcase LIMINALITY at a queer art show on August 2. Held at one of my favorite local venues (Pentridge Station), Reclamation of the Queer Body was a real cunty time that truly lived up to its name. Top tier start to the month. 10/10. No notes.

It was such a fulfilling experience to commune with so many incredible queer artists! I left Pentridge that night feeling energized and excited for what would come next. And then Instagram sucked that energy right out of me.

I spent the next week and a half preparing to migrate off of the platform, just as I had earlier this summer with The Platform Formerly Known As Twitter. One of the last things I saw before deleting my account was a story post from Madi who I met at last year's Philly Naked Bike Ride. You may remember her from this post and the gorgeous photo we took together(:

Anyway, Madi's post was about a small film project she and her team needed help with. Always seeking new creative opportunities, I reached out to inquire which led to my first on-screen acting role two days later??


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