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The Gender Binaryâ„¢ (the idea that there are only boys and girls, men and women) is a social construct built on sexist gender roles (ie men go to work, women belong in the kitchen), language conventions (think -o/-a endings in Spanish) and colors, interests and personality traits being deemed either masculine or feminine in the public sphere. None of these concepts are rooted in reality.

The Gender Binaryâ„¢ is a tool of oppression used to enforce conformity and to limit the exploration and expression of the self. To shepherd us into arbitrarily predetermined roles from birth. Roles that we are never meant to question as they are shrouded in the illusion of being natural.

You may be thinking "it's not about colors or interests. It's simple: Men have penises and women have vaginas." Well, friend! Brace yourself for the plot twist coming your way:

Despite what we are led to believe, sex and gender are two entirely separate concepts! Sex (male, female) is based on anatomy and biochemistry while gender (man, woman) is based on social conventions and the internal experience of self. But even still, neither of these are true dichotomies.

Sex is complex. Some people are born with both sets of genitals. Or internal reproductive organs that "don't match" their external appearance. Some people produce sex hormones that are "inconsistent" with their anatomy. Some healthy newborns are even given "corrective" surgeries to sculpt genitals that conform to their gender assignment according to The Gender Binaryâ„¢.

Wait – gender ... assignment? As in a task that's been handed down with the expectation that it will be performed? Because genitals don't determine your personality. Society enforces it.

That's not to say that some people with penises don't experience themselves as men or that some people with vaginas don't experience themselves as women. Both phenomena are real and valid. I'm just saying that it's not everyone's experience. And those people and experiences are equally valid.

But hold on just one second, because if people with vaginas can be men and women can have penises and some people can be neither or both then that means... *checks notes* sexuality must be on some kinda spectrum too?

Short answer: yep 😘

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